Our goal is to provide young people in the North End of Halifax (including Bayers Westwood) with the opportunities to participate in programs that they otherwise would be unable to take part in.

NEOF was launched to fill the gap created when the Rainbow Haven Opportunity Fund was discontinued.  A dedicated group of volunteers (including educators, social workers, youth workers and community members) came together in 2015 to develop NEOF’s mission, action plan, and partnerships with community organizations.  NEOF is a non-profit society, incorporated in Nova Scotia under the Societies Act and registered with the Nova Scotia Registrar of Joint Stock Companies under the name North End Opportunities Fund Society. We are also a registered charity; our business # 81758 5763 RR0001.

Since 2016 we have been fundraising, applying for grants, and partnering with community groups and programs all in the service of facilitating young people getting to attend the camps and activities of their choosing.